Resep Tuna Pastry Air Fryer, Bikin Ngiler
Are you finding inspiration for a unique Anti-Fail Tuna Pastry Air Fryer Recipe?, The Delicious Air Fryer Tuna Pastry Recipe is currently being sought by people around us, maybe one of them is a friend. people who are used to using the internet from their cellphones to get image information for inspiration. Among other things, the face steps provide Easy Steps to Prepare Tuna Pastry Air Fryer exchange, but preparing it is complicated and easy. If you choose the wrong one, the results will not be satisfactory and it tends to be unpleasant. Even though the Tuna Pastry Airfryer is a deep fryer and it tastes good.
Many things affect the taste quality of the Tuna Pastry Air Fryer, first from the type of ingredients, then the selection of fresh ingredients, to how to make and serve it. You don't have to worry if you want to prepare a delicious Tuna Pastry Air Fryer at home, because as long as you know the trick, this dish can be a special treat. Next is a picture about Tuna confectionery Air frijigailua that you can see as an example.
Tips and tricks for tuna frying. Go can make Tuna Pastry Air Fryer 3 people and 2 steps of making. Here are the steps in preparing the dish.
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The ingredients and seasonings needed in our preparation
- TC Boy canned tuna 1
- 2 short pasta
- 1 tellurium seed
I love the air fryer with tuna
- Saute the tuna tc boy so it's a little dry.
- Take a spoonful of tuna and place it on top of the pastel, fold the pastel and press with a fork on the edges of the pastel, Bake for 180/15 min aire frijigailua. fast.
No gym? It's easy? That's how to make a Tuna Pastry Air Fryer that you can do at home. Happy trying!