Resep Gulai Ikan Tongkol Kelate Anti Gagal

Chelated tuna curry

Are you looking for inspiration on how to prepare a delicious and delicious Tuna Curry Tuna? Some people around us are looking for the Anti-Failure Fish Curry Recipe, maybe one of you. This is an internet telephony app for smartphones. Well this time I will give you a tutorial on how to cook the Anti-Failure Chelated Fish Curry Recipe to cook it, it is not difficult and it is not easy either. If it's wrong, then the results won't bother you and really won't bother you. Although the delicious tuna kelate curry must have an aroma and taste that can provoke our taste buds.

There are many things that vary in the taste quality of Ikan Tongkol Kelate curry, first from the type of ingredients, as well as fresh ingredients, to how to process and prepare it. Do not worry if you prepare a delicious tuna kelate curry at home, because as long as you know tarka, then eating this can be a special dish. The following is a picture of tuna kelate curry that you can see an example of.

Well, this time we are going to try it, we are going to make a tuna fish curry sundiri with kelate at home. Use it with you but not yet your member and no member. You can make tuna kelate curry using 9 ingredients and 5 stages of preparation. Follow these steps to make the dishes.

Quick cooking recipe #1stmentolove @w. Azan Shahlan Alhamdulillah receives good praise and other than he can. Sister, sabiji, sir, the recipe for kuma jump tang, just knock down, no saba, no broth. Vegetables are good too. This is Sabah who is included in the group, is a critical person, Tang Lauk, here.

Baca Juga

Ingredients for the wrong seasoning to make fish curry tuna kellate:

  1. 1 Tuna - Cut in 2, Clean Khan And Thos
  2. 1 lift
  3. 1 BG Onion*
  4. 2 tablespoons boh chili
  5. 1-inch cube*
  6. 1 inch language
  7. aeronautical safety
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Throat pain

Steps to make tuna curry

  1. Sadhya Khan Bhaan. Fish Cut, Clean and Tuscan Sekjab.
  2. Boil the tuna with sweet and sour chips and salt so that half of the stew remains. (Er only to boil Sahadar sunken fish.
  3. Kisar Marked Ingredients*, Kisir Ingredients Mask In Pot/Quali, Coconut Milk Mask With Simple Fire.
  4. After boiling, add boiled fish with sour chips, try salt and sugar. If there is green sili or cucumber, it can be tortured.
  5. When you have tasted the salt, you can cover the bees and serve.

Thank you for reading the recipe that our team has shown to show. We expect a lot. Hello Menkoba!

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