Resep Ikan bawal masak tomato Anti Gagal
Looking for inspiration for an incredibly delicious lobster cooked with tomatoes recipe? People are accustomed to using the Internet on their smartphones to view photos. And at this point, I will share a lesson on how to make Pomfret Anti-Fail Boiled Tomatoes and how to make them complex and simple. If you do it wrong, the result will be tasteless and usually unpleasant. Although pink salmon cooked with tomatoes is sweet, we must have an aroma and taste that irritates our taste buds.
The taste of cheese made from tomatoes depends largely on the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, and how they are prepared and served. If you want to make delicious tomatoes at home, you don't have to worry because this recipe can be very special. Here is a picture of a ripe pomegranate with a tomato for inspiration.
The number of dishes served for cooking pomegranate with tomato - 1 person. So make sure this house is big enough to feed you and your loved one.
The ripening of the pomegranate also takes about 1 hour.
Baca Juga
Below are a few practical tips and tricks for ripening ripe pomegranate tomatoes. You can make pomegranate with tomatoes using 15 ingredients and 8 cooking steps. Here are the cooking steps.
This tomato paste is very easy to make. When I was little, my mother always cooked according to this recipe because she was happy. While not as good as your mom's water, try your mom's recipe right now.
Ingredients and spices needed for cooking tomato fish:
- 1 pomfr is divided into 2.
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 carnation flower
- 1 seed
- Consume 1 teaspoon of lemon
- 4 chopped tomatoes
- 1/2 Dutch onion, chopped
- 4 tablespoons tomatoes
- 1 tablespoon soy
- 1/4 cup air
- Tape equipment
- 1 Dutch onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 inch ginger
How to cook pomegranate with tomato
- Clean the fish with salt.
- Fried fish and ketchup.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon, star anise, banana and lemon zest.
- Add chopped ingredients and fry until done.
- Add tomato juice and water and bring to a boil
- Add chopped tomatoes and onions.
- Add fish and soy. Leave it for a while
- Ready to serve.
Thanks for using the recipe we show here. We hope that the simple tomato bumper recipe mentioned above will help you prepare delicious dishes for your friends or get an idea of the recipe. Good luck!